Mab's REAL MA blog, as opposed to the other one in which she waffles about her life instead.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Days 31-36

Day 31

Reading 'Triumph of the Moon' from the perspective of Hutton's methodology and approach.

Discussed dissertation with Dr Viv Wylie, who has offered to read it over the Christmas period

Days 32-33

Reading 'Triumph of the Moon'

Day 34

Reading 'Triumph of the Moon', also gave some thought to what Wicca actually is - something which is quite fundamental if I'm going looking for it in history

Day 35

Looked at the baseline - what other historians are looking for when they go looking for Wicca in history. It changes.

E-mailed WG to ask for their definitions of Wicca

Day 36

Still reading 'Triumph of the Moon'

Gave a lot of thought to how I go about determining and presenting the 'eye witness' accounts. Need to write to all of those still with us.

Still defining Wicca
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