Mab's REAL MA blog, as opposed to the other one in which she waffles about her life instead.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Day 47

Made a start on the 'Wiccan Origins - A Hypothesis' chapter

Re-structured the dissertation as a whole

Agreed with Mike Cunningham that if I post him the dissertation circa Jan 10th, he'll read it and then arrange a meeting date with me

Branny has discovered more info on Dutch Wicca for my diaspora chapter; while also forwarding me an e-book on Wiccan history.

Laurie has found a link with loads of useful sources, including a 1997 speech by Doreen Valiente where she discusses its origins

Read more of Justine Glass's book

Discovered that the Order of Woodcraft Chivalry, mentioned by Ronald Hutton in 'Triumph of the Moon', were based in the New Forest; plus the founders were also into radiothesia (sp?), which Gardner goes on about in his books. Link?
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