Mab's REAL MA blog, as opposed to the other one in which she waffles about her life instead.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Day 44-Day 45

Day 44

Thought about the 'witchcraft doesn't pay for broken windows' line, which Gardner accredits an 'old witch' and Farrar and Bone accredit to Doreen Valiente.

Added a couple of lines to the 'Eye Witnesses' chapter and thought about adding a paragraph to the introduction, re should we look at Wiccan history, based on the arguments in Progressive Witchcraft.

Still reading 'Witchcraft: The Sixth Sense' by Justine Glass

Still puzzling issues of definition; which Witchgrove is helping with enormously - with special mention to Branny and many thanks to Witchgrove.

Day 45:

EUREKA! Had a moment of clarity which provided a scenario which works for me about the origins of Wicca. Ran it past Witchgrove and those who read it all seemed in agreement.

Still reading the Justine Glass book, but, in the evening, dived into Philip Heselton's books as well as Gardner's books in order to see if my theory holds weight. It still does.

Gave a lot of thought as to how the dissertation should be structured now I have a direction.

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